Product Details & Specifications
By assisting with the monitoring of blood oxygen levels, this inexpensive tool can help to identify if those that are infected with the virus are dropping into a dangerous territory. Normal oxygen levels in the blood measure between 95-100% and a drop to below 92% can indicate a serious downturn in health, even if the subject is not feeling any worse at the time. Catching this fall in blood oxygen early and seeking medical assistance can drastically improve the chances of recovery.
A pulse oximeter slips over your middle finger and shines a light into the body. It measures how much of the light is absorbed in order to calculate oxygen levels in the blood.
How to use a Pulse Oximeter
• Remove any nail polish and warm your hands if they are cold
• Rest for at least 5 minutes before taking your measurement
• Place you hand on your chest at heart level and hold it still
• Switch on the Pulse Oximeter and place it on your index or middle finger
• Allow the reading to stabilise for at least a minute and record the highest result, once it has not changed for 5 seconds
• If your oxygen level is 93 or 94% when sitting or laying down, and remains so after being checked within an hour, contact your GP or ring 111
• If your oxygen level is 92% or less, check again immediately and if it remains at this level, seek urgent medical assistance by calling 999 or going to A&E
*All instructions and statistics have been extracted from the BBC News article and the NHS instructional video. If in any doubt, please seek professional medical assistance.
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